
Sid 80s

Strap on those fanny packs and pull out those headbands because Sid 80’s will have you partying the night away to some old-school tunes. The ONLY public to feature live music, this party will have you dancing, singing, and rocking out all night! So don’t be afraid to go all out for one of the biggest and most fun parties Rice has to offer!

NOI - Night of Innocence

Originally started by two sophomores, Mark and Marc wanted to start a movie night at Sid once per semester. However, miscommunication lead to Wiess’s public (NOD - Night of Decadence) and Sid Rich Films occurring on the same night. Too late to reschedule, Sid Rich Films transformed into NOI, a sort of anti-NOD for people would rather spend their night comfortable and cozy. Almost 40 years later, Sid still hosts the Night of Innocence, a giant pajama party with loads of food, right next door to Wiess’s Night of Decadence. Whether you stay at NOI the whole night or go to both, be sure to support this proud Sid tradition that embodies our rebellious spirit!

College Night

Picture this - going to class in the morning dressed up in theme, having lunch in the commons with music and games, and tailgating all afternoon in the country club. This may sound too good to be true, but this is exactly what College Night is all about! Each semester, every college designates a Friday as its “college night,” where residents spend the day celebrating their college family. There’s always an awesome theme to inspire the dress, food, and decoration. And since Sid is the best college, naturally our college nights are the best, too.