Rice Health Advisors (RHAs)
Rice Health Advisors (RHAs) are students trained on a variety of wellbeing topics. They provide health education opportunities, health supplies and peer guidance at their college. RHAs also act as liaisons between the Student Wellbeing Office and the residential colleges, staying up to date on campus-wide wellbeing programming. While RHAs provide health supplies like bandaids and other first aid supplies, they are mainly here for your mental health and wellbeing. Feel free to contact them or talk to them if you need guidance, health supplies, or just want to chat! Or meet them at one of the events or study breaks they host throughout the year!
Note: RHAs will direct students to the Wellness Center, Health Services or the Rice Counseling Center as appropriate.
For more details on RHAs, check out the campus-wide RHA webpage on the Rice Wellbeing Center website!
What can the RHAs do for me?
RHAs are trained on mental health and wellness topics such as being an ALLY, stress relief, suicide prevention, and body acceptance among other topics. They are here if you need to discuss a personal problem or issue in a confidential setting, or if you just want to learn more about the organization.
If you’d like a Sid RHA to check-in on someone you are concerned about, here is the link to the form: Check In On A Friend
What health supplies do the RHAs provide?
Alcohol wipes, Aminofen (Tylenol), antibiotic ointment, antiseptic, Astroglide, Band-Aids, cloth tape, condoms, cough drops, earplugs, elastic bandages, Ibuprofen, hydrocortisone cream, cold compress, sterile gauze pads, tampons, and maybe other supplies. Feel free to ask!
RHAs keep a supply kit in their rooms, and there is also an RHA box located next to the College Coordinator’s Office.
Maya Harpavat (mah25)
Campbell Uyeki (scu1)
Dara Olanrewaju (ofo2)
Pratyush Mohapatra (pm42)
Tali Levy (tbl2)
Matthew Haacke (mh104)
Cayla Xue (clx2)
Anuska Santra (as254)
Elizabeth Chen (ec83)
Isabella Gonzalez (ijg2)
Carolyn Suradejvibul (carolyn.bkk)
Carlos Mascorro (cm156)
Reproductive and Sexual Health Resources
Reproductive Resources
Student Services
Detailed List of Student Services
Plan B + Reproductive Health Vending Machine (open 24/7 located in Student Health Services)
Peer Resources:
Rice Women’s Resource Center (@ricewrc)
located in RMC across Chaus
Planned Parenthood Liaisons (@ppgenrice):
Siddhi Narayan
Talia Levy
Off-Campus Resources
Baylor Teen Health Clinic - Ben Taub
Legacy Community Health - Montrose
Planned Parenthood - Southwest Health Center
STRIVE Liaisons
STRIVE Coalition is a dedicated group of students who have come together to address sexual and domestic violence on campus. The Coalition is made up of an executive board, STRIVE liaisons to colleges, STRIVE liaisons to graduate programs, STRIVE representatives in a variety of student groups, and volunteers. The Coalition is advised by the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Title IX Support.
MaeLea Williams
Alyssa Cahoy
The Student Wellbeing Office supports student development and success by providing a good first point of contact for students who want to talk to someone about solutions to their wellbeing concerns. We connect with students in the residential colleges, graduate apartments, and other student spaces around campus to give advice and practical support to help students resolve personal challenges, such as conflicts with friends, difficulty making decisions, struggling with your identity, and academic concerns or problems that are more serious in nature. We also consult with students, faculty, and staff who have concerns about a particular student in distress.
In the event of a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical or law enforcement attention, go to the nearest Hospital Emergency Room and/or Dial 911 or call the Rice University Police Department/Rice EMS at 713-348-6000.
Schedule an Individual Meeting
Location: First floor of the Gibbs Wellness Center, adjacent to the Recreation Center
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Phone: (713) 348-3311
Email: wellbeing@rice.edu
A Wellbeing Advisor will work with you to help you resolve your concerns. We can also answer questions you have regarding Rice policies and procedures.
Some common concerns:
Conflicts with friends
Roommate communication problems
Difficulty making decisions
Struggling with your identity
Academic struggles
Wellbeing Center Liaison
Curtis is completing his Masters in Psychology at Our Lady of the Lake University. He is a native Houstonian. He has taught parenting classes at ESCAPE Family Resource Center to fathers who were working to reconnect with their children. While at ESCAPE he worked with preteens and adolescents to strengthen their communication and problem-solving skills within their families. Curtis enjoys working with young adults to support them in discovering helpful strategies to problems through collaborative conversations. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, cooking new recipes, and taking care of his plants.
Curtis Henry (he/him)
Rice University | Rich Student Health and Wellness Center
6100 Main St. | MS-704 | Houston, TX 77005-1827
713-348-3311 24/7 phone number