What are Committees?
Sid is a very close-knit community, and part of the way that we build community and get to know each other is by joining committees within Sid that align with our interests and passions. Sid committees are sort of low-commitment clubs that Sidizens can join to help better Sid in some manner. From baking tasty treats for events to finding new furniture to make our commons cozier, committees are a great opportunity to get involved around Sid while also having fun!
Our Committees
Heads: Carlos Mascorro (cm156) & Audrey Weadick (apw8)
Here at Rice, each college has a number of faculty, staff, alumni, and community members that are associated with the college and are therefore referred to as Associates. Our Associates fall under three categories: Faculty Associates, University Associates, and Community Associates. Faculty Associates are made up of lecturers and professors. University Associates are staff who work at Rice. Community Associates are members of the Houston Community, sometimes Rice Alumni, who want to dedicate their time to help students explore options outside of Rice. The Associate committee manages the associate application process and the communication between students and Associates. The Associate Committee also plans events for and with the associates, with the most notable being Associates Dinners.
Heads: Sarah Motteler (smm34) & Maggie Bowers (mb155)
The Sid Baking committee takes advantage of Sid’s wonderful kitchen to bake not only for fun, but also for Sid events in collaboration with the Core Team and the various Sid Committees.
Heads: Sure Ibukun (smi4), Kaitlin Sanders (kes21), Kumaren Anand (ka65)
The Sid Book Club committee is a community of book lovers formed with the goal of giving people the opportunity to read for pleasure. We try to read one book a month with two meetings per book, and will occasionally have movie nights/study breaks. Every book we read is submitted and voted for by members of the club, so if you want a place to read and talk about your favorite book, join us!
Head: Abby Antinossi (aga6)
Heads: Ellie Jung (ej15) & Ananya Lertpradist (al128)
Our Chalkboard committee designs a new mural for our Chalkboard every month! They also put every Sidizen’s birthdays so you’ll know when it’s your friends’ birthdays!
The Interior Decorations committee works to make New Sid more cozy. Their duties include art installations and other decorative touches.
Parliamentarians: Isabella Balise (ib27) & Cecilia Visco (cnv3)
Led by our parliamentarians, the Constitution committee is a review group to make sure our constitution is up to date. If Sidizens want to implement change, this is a great place to voice ideas and work on creating the constitutional language to present at Council.
The Construction committee organizes events for the Maker Space. Sidizens can learn or perfect how to use equipment, including the 3D printers and sewing machines.
Heads: Amy He (axh1), Siddhi Narayan (sn61), Joyce Jiang (jj112)
We eat Crawfish. Usually once at the end of semester, our Crawfish committee will host a college-wide crawfish boil 😋
Heads: Aliya Belay (ab155) & Nelly Zapata (nez1)
Sid's Diversity Council is focused on increasing access to resources from the Multicultural Center (MCC) and increasing engagement with topics of equity and inclusion within Sid! This ranges from organizing a Sid sit-in for Down With Willy to creating more inclusive language for Sid's Constitution.
The EcoCommittee aims to encourage sustainability and promote eco-friendly events and initiatives at Sid. Separate fromthe Sid EcoCommittee are the EcoReps. The EcoReps are part of a campus-wide program, with two EcoReps representing each Residential College and they host events such as the Green Dorm Initiative (GDI) in the spring and also send out important information regarding environmentally friendly practices.
Heads: Sure Ibukun (smi4) & Sarah Motteler (smm34)
Highbrow committee plans classy events like charcuterie nights, formals, and cocktail hours for Sid. They make sure that there is always an excuse for Sidizens to get dressed up fancy and take pictures out on the terrace with great food.
Head: Alyssa Tate (art10)
The role of the Sid Historian committee is to celebrate our college’s unique residential culture through documenting Sid events and Sidizens themselves. The committee captures Sid memories as they unfold through various forms of visual media, namely photography, then use social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Discord to share with the college.
Heads: Michael Kienzle (mk163) & John Tucker (jrt15)
Lowbrow committee organizes outdoorsy/ more rugged events. In the past, this has included axe throwing, paintball games, and perhaps most importantly, Sid Goes Camping. It's gonna be a movie: and that movie is the lightning thief.
Heads: Sienna Tu (sat6), Ananya Lertpradist (al128), Julia McDonald (jpm12)
The Merchandise committee is in charge of designing, ordering, and distributing our awesome Sid Rich-branded merchandise.
These pieces include shirts, sweatshirts, stickers and more. Members of this committee also often reach out to the Sid community for input!
The Outreach committee organizes community service events throughout the semester for Sidizens to give back to the Houston community together. Outreach committee was key in the acquisition of the Travis Boyer couch.
Quad Reps: Lou Zhou (lz80) & Akshay Sethi (as273)
The Quad Rep organizes events in the Quad, such as dodgeball, kickball, spikeball, soccer, and volleyball games. This rep also helps the Sid Community create procedures to maintain the Quad and Quad-related equipment.
Nicole Interiano (lni2)
Laura Beuhler (leb12)
Sienna Tu (sat6)
Jess Dooley (jed7)
Mirely Nieto (mn62)
Jaylin Vinson (jlv7)
The role of the Senior committee is to connect the graduating class and commemorate their final year as Owls and Sidizens together before embarking on the next chapter of their lives. They host events at the Tower like cocktail nights, the new murder mystery tradition, 100 days, dinners with our Core Team, as well as subsidize bonding experiences beyond the hedges.
Anuska Santra (as254)
Cecilia Visco (cnv2)
Anastasia Loiko (akl7)
Megan Wright (mcw15)
Sid Knits hosts weekly knitting and crochet hangouts. They provide the equipment and no prior experience is needed!
Hannah Wixom (hw73)
Rykelle Sandidge (rjs15)
Hsing-Yi Chen (hc81)
Pratyush Mohapatra (pm42)
Giulio Valfre-Zaydenman (gv18)
Rice offers a variety of intramural level sports and the Sports committee is in charge of organizing each Sid team. The Sports committee makes sure that Sid is properly represented and participating in the Presidents’ Cup.
Our Sports Committee Heads also organize sporting events of the College to go to— usually with subsidized tickets! Be on the lookout for Sid goes to games. In the past, we’ve gone to see the Rockets, Astros, Dynamo + Dash, and more!
The Study Resources committee is a committee dedicated to providing resources to help create ideal study environments for Sidizens. They host study breaks with snacks during finals and maintain the Sid textbook library. The textbook library allows any Sidizen to borrow a textbook donated by a former Sidizen!
Mirely Nieto (mn62)
Holt Klineberg (hmk5)
Lola Cantillon (lc120)
Krish Kumar (kmk10)
The Traditions committee plays a large role in maintaining Sid’s culture. With the recent transition to new Sid, it is especially important to preserve Sid’s many traditions. The Traditions Committee is responsible for monthly elevator chats, and primal scream!
The best committee of course! We are in charge of updating this nice website 😎
Lovely Webmasters:
Nicole Lee (nl73)
Jason Shan (js323)
Austin Tran (adt3)