Team Hermes

About Hermes

The Greek god of travel, communication, and commerce, Hermes symbolizes agility, wit, and versatility. Campers aligned with Hermes possess exceptional speed, cunning, and excel in tasks requiring quick thinking, adaptability, and effective communication.

Team Hermes brings energy, agility, and effective communication to Camp Ω-Week. They are known for their quick thinking and adaptability, making them natural leaders in fast-paced activities and team challenges. Their presence injects a vibrant spirit into Sid, keeping everyone on their toes and encouraging open and clear communication among the campers.

The Team

Read their bios below!

  • Hailing from Irvine, California, Claudia—affectionately known as Cloud—is a sophomore pursuing a major in English, with a minor in Business and a certificate in Civic Leadership. This Cali girl’s interests are super diverse, from the intersection of ethical and representative storytelling, social impact, and civic engagement, to becoming the next Elle Woods. When she’s not slaying as a writer for the Thresher, tutoring children with PAIR Houston, or re-reading “Tuesdays with Morrie” for the thousandth time, you can find this hopeless romantic curating hundreds of custom Spotify playlists that effortlessly match any vibe! Her own playlist has her faves like Miss TSwift, Bruno Major, and Laufey. If you ever want to watch a rom-com or go on a whimsical Disney marathon, Cloud’s got you. When she isn’t exhausting all her tetra on chai tea lattes from Brochstein or giving free concerts in the shower, you can find her embarking on sushi dates, spontaneous cafe and bookstore trips, or screaming songs on sunsets drives. GET READY TO BE ON CLOUD 9 WITH THE CLOUD AT CAMP O-WEEK!!

    (Faith Chen, Sid Richardson '26 and Joanna Anil, Martel '26)

  • Few people are as caring and dedicated as Ms. Chiagoze Chuks-Nwosu. Ashley is a sophomore Cognitive Sciences major on the pre-med track from the burbs of Katy, Texas. As your advisor, she will work tirelessly to make sure you have an amazing O-Week experience. Also not to mention but she is such a mother. Whether it be little check ins or giving you the best advice, she will take care of you as if you’re one of her own children. The gag is though…….it doesn't stop there. Ashley is a professionally-certified queen with a hint of spice and realness. She is a Bridgerton fanatic and loves to listen to Steve Lacy and Arctic Monkeys (great music taste, am i right?). Honestly, I can’t fit everything that’s amazing about Ashley into 150 words but if she’s your advisor, consider it a kiss from the heavens <3

    (Sean Nyangeri, McMurtry ‘26)

  • Coming all the way from Wiess (even though it’s only like a 10 second walk from Sid), Mason Howell is a young biochem phenom who can provide endless advice on the pre-med grind if you so ask. But not only that, he can also offer infinite positive encouragement, free paddleboard lessons (as a paddleboard instructor by trade), a listening ear, and his trademark lightning-quick Google search that can settle any disputes that may arise. Also, did I mention that he drives manual? This Marylandian will drop literally anything he’s doing and be the first to respond to any needs you might have, whether that be a ride to the airport or a screwdriver. Keeping all this in mind, I’m positive Mason is going to make for an amazing co-advisor. P.S. take good care of him and make sure he gets back to Wiess in one piece!

    (Michael Ngo, Wiess ‘25)

  • Shredded. Ripped. Quads for days. Gluteus Maximus like no other. These are all characteristics of Greek Gods, and it just so happens that Ethan Kao matches this description perfectly. Ethan’s a senior Sidizen in the class of 2024, but he’s definitely made his mark on Sid Rich. Ethan Kao loves participating in sports that no one cares about, like Rice Rugby. If you know Ethan, you can definitely tell that he LOVES meat. Especially steak. He’s got a makeshift kitchen in his dorm room, complete with a rice cooker, air fryer, and other things that would make Gordan Ramsey cringe. On any given day, you can find Ethan at the gym (so he can impress Colin) or Chaus (so he can get away from Colin). The Houston, Texas native actually coined the phrase “Business in the front, party in the back” - he’s pursuing a Business (Finance) and Economics double major here at Rice, but you can catch Ethan walking around in his World Famous booty shorts with rubber ducks on them. He’s goofy, charming, outgoing, kind, and supportive - everything you’d ever want in a friend.

    (Lauren Hurt, Sid Richardson ‘24)