From Our Magister

Welcome to Sid Richardson College!

We are the magister family-Melissa, Conor and Paul, and our dogs, Midnight and Duke. Melissa is a Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Social Policy Analysis program at Rice. Conor is 17 and a rising senior at Strake Jesuit High School, and Paul is 15 and a rising sophomore at Strake Jesuit.  We are a sporty family. We play tennis, basketball, softball, and golf, and in the last couple of years we’ve also become avid skiers. In the summer we spend time in with our family in Minnesota and Indiana, and typically try to visit national parks in other parts of the country. Melissa has a strong identification as a Midwesterner, but has lived in cities all over all over the U.S. (though mostly east of the Mississippi), and also in Germany and Turkey. In addition to sports, she loves learning languages (but remains fluent in only one!), traveling, cooking, reading, listening to jazz music, playing cards and board games, and watching foreign films. The boys like video games, chess (Paul), learning about the stock market and exploring entrepreneurial activities, hanging out with friends, and playing with the dogs.

We look forward to welcoming you to campus in August, getting to know you over the next four years, and helping you make the most of your time at Sid and Rice.


Melissa, Conor and Paul