The Bee-Tles: HEre comes the hon-ey

Meet Jalen, the premed standout from Pearland, TX, capable of benching two plates, often wondering why his biceps aren't yet sponsored by ramen noodles or Korean BBQ — his two major food groups.When he’s not studying, you might find Jalen in the weight room, pretending he’s training for the NFL. Despite his passion for memorizing obscure sports stats, Jalen himself is more on the quiet side, often mistaken for being in deep thought when he's actually replaying his favorite Family Guy episodes in his mind. So if you see him chuckling to himself in the corner of the library, no need to be alarmed; he’s probably just revisiting Peter Griffin’s latest escapade. Quiet and unassuming, Jalen is the guy everyone wants on their trivia team, not just for his pop culture prowess but also for those moments when someone needs to recall the molecular structure of caffeine at 2 AM.
- Nathan Bui, Sid Richardson '26; Mason Weiss, Sid Richardson, '26
Hailing from Dallas, TX (but still an Oklahoman at heart), Kareena is a pure bundle of joy and sunshine and CELSIUSSSS. You can find this senior studying at coffee shops around Houston (basically lives at Brass Tacks) or whipping around campus in her REMS golf cart. Prepare yourself to be featured in all her BeReals (she never ever misses one) and multiple .5x’s. If you’re ever thinking about going to Spain, make sure to ask her for recs (she studied abroad there)! When she's not busy traveling the world (did we mention she studied abroad?), you can find her being Gym girl™️, baking cookies at 2 a.m., or munching her way through a bag of Trader Joe’s chocolate covered pretzels. She’s always down for a good time, is an amazing listener, and will be there for you for anything you need. Get ready to jam out to TSwift, Bad Bunny, and Desi music with her all year! She’s a Jonesian at heart but full of Sid love - you really lucked out with Kareena as your advisor!!!
- Alisha Aggarwal (Duncan ‘25), Hannah Lloyd (Jones ‘25), Anisha Abraham (Jones ‘25), Tina Nguyen (Jones ‘25), Lauren Yu (Jones ‘25)
Holt Klineberg, an Operations Research (we don’t know what that is either) pre-med sophomore, hails all the way from the sunny city of Davis, California (yay bikes). You’ll find him scoring goals on the Lads soccer team or on Rice Men’s Club Lacrosse #livelovelax, becoming his alter-ego the sticky monster (you know how sticky it gets), softly pedaling on Sid bike team, or fumbling in FIFA. This 18-credit hour beast will pack his academic schedule to the max (time management is afraid of him). Don’t forget to ask him about his niche nerdy board games (shoutout onenight werewolf) or for his unlimited supply of music recommendations (yes, he does collect records). This Sid Pageant winner #inourhearts will be the best advisor you could ever ask for! Just don’t ask about his twin brother…
-- Riya Keswani, Sid Richardson '27; Giulio Valfre Zaydenman, Sid Richardson '26; Colin Wei, Sid Richardson '24
Be excited! You have crossed paths with truly a gem on campus! As a senior Sidizen, English major, and business minor, Sure has a variety of experiences that help her connect with anyone. Having been the Writing and Copy Editor for the Campanile Yearbook and Sid’s Diversity Committee Head, High Brow Committee Head, on the chug team, the powderpuff team, and the co-ed flag team, Sure is super devoted to Sid and will help you all get adjusted. Additionally, Sure is always the life of the party, has a kindred personality, and is one of the most naturally funny people we have ever met, anticipate laughter. Sure is also a huge music fanatic with some pretty aesthetic playlists. Get ready for the ride of your life if you catch her during elevator chats! Sure always in your corner whether you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, or a hug. She is very loyal and irreplaceable and will stick by your side through the good and the bad. She has a huge heart for everyone in her life, including all of you now!
- Brianna Bukowski, Sid Richardson '25; Sopheena Toovey, Sid Richardson '25