The Joesid brothers: S.O.S.(RR) 

  • All roads at Sid lead to Akshay. He’s everywhere all at once, doing just about everything at and for Sid. He is a rising Senior pursuing a dual degree in Biosciences and Political Science who is a two time Beer Bike Coord and also served as a Quad Rep, Elections Chair, Parliamentarian and now our President. In his free time, he is a big Dallas head, supporting every Dallas sport team from the Cowboys to the Rangers. But don’t let his love of Dallas make you underestimate his Houston knowledge: he loves this city, especially the roads (except Greenbriar) and any Drake song mentioning H-Town! Always feel free to say hi to him when you see him!

    - Nay Nay Hein, Sid Richardson ‘25

  • Hailing from just 35 minutes away in Katy, this pre-law Econ major might very well be the GREATEST Chief Justice on this side of Seibel Servery. Though his job might consist of telling you that you’re too noisy after quiet hours, if you hear him playing guitar too loud in his room, feel free to send in a complaint as well. If Arjun isn’t traveling across the country for a debate tournament, you can probably find him outside on the quad running the best and only grilled cheese sandwich restaurant on campus - probably a top 3 grilled cheese sandwich in my book tbh (and it’s not 2 or 3.) Even though he rides his skateboard across campus at a comically slow speed, if you’re ever in a pickle, Arjun will be there as fast as he possibly can - which might be dependent on how many people are in the elevator. A lot of people might be afraid of their college CJ, but Arjun may very well be the least scary person ever, so there’s genuinely no need to worry. So, whether somebody is just blasting music too loud at 3 am or coordinating a planned stink-bomb attack in commons (which did happen), Arjun is your first line of defense to protect and serve the Sid Rich community.

    -Jashun Paluru, Sid Richardson '26